Friday, July 13, 2012

Todd Gutner, the Amazing Omitting Weatherman!

    WBZ 4's latest meteorologist (n.b. TV Meteorologist : Climate Scientist:: Marketing Firm : Economist), Todd Gutner [ ] is one of the more-enraging hacks on the Boston local news scene.  Gutner, with ever the perpetually cheery smile of the empty-headed News Prick, describes the increasingly baffling, bizarre, and horrible weather of the 21st century for us every day -- always with that shit-eating grin -- yet says nary a word about why all these weather events may be occurring. Never a word about why a winter in New England just passed with a total of 8" of snow; never a word about why a drought is occurring in southeastern Massachusetts in March; or the fact that in living memory -- and I know he remembers this, unless he's as empty-headed as he looks -- summer temperatures in the 90s were a once or twice a summer thing, not an every day of the week thing.

   J'accuse, Gutner! You're a climate change omitting hack, beholden to your corporate paymasters, deceiving the people for a six-pence! In coming days, we shall recall well who gladly palmed those thirty pieces of silver....

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