Thursday, June 13, 2013

A.D. 380

    It's the end of the Empire -- that much is for sure.

    Everyday, we hear news of the reality that is all around us -- of Nor'easters in June, or floods in Prague, or tornadoes so wide in Oklahoma that twenty football fields would not begin to comprehend them -- and everyday, our corrupt, insane, and criminal ruling class, a ruling class that includes oh so many of you bien pensants and academics, and pretty much all of the 'center-left' and 'liberal' opinion journalists (I'm looking at you, Josh Marshall), and others who ought to know better -- everyday, this class does its studied best -- and boy, has it studied! -- to ignore the crisis that is in front of our face, a climate hitherto unknown to human civilization.

    But, of course, there are all the inside ball stories to write, about dysfunctional legislatures; and all the new fancy meals of fancy meats to be photographed, and the cocktails and Facebook bragging and all the nothingness of the digital No-Place to be attended, to be cradled and held as we used to babies and kitties, and today, these little bloody "phones"..... For why acknowledge the ghastly Truth that sits, corpse-like, in the parlour for a space of days, its waxy presence spooking the young children, until at last we usher it out with yesterday's faded corsages? Why acknowledge what is horrible?

    And so, we will not acknowledge It, but It will acknowledge us. And all I can say to you, you den of worthless Idolaters, who would rather pad a resume than sniff all the pines, is -- Woe to Nineveh!

1 comment:

  1. Greetings from Montreal; the Champlain map made me smile.

    One of the few things I miss from having given up Facebook is a regular dose of your insights and/or barbs.

    I would consider trying one of these "blog" devices for myself, but what use is one more voice in the constant buzz of the electronic hive we inhabit?

