Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Old Colony Democrat (Vol. II, No. 1)

                        The Old Colony Democrat

                                 A Newspaper for The People

          Published at Old Mattakeesett, in the County of Plymouth

                                                                                                                                       Sept. 13, 2012

 Purpose of this Paper

   Friends and Countrymen:

         The Nation finds itself precariously balanced between two political forces, one beneficent and one baleful, one thinking, moving, and acting in accord with the deepest principles of the republic and of the late Revolution, one suspicious of democracy itself, of the People themselves, of our Revolution itself: I speak, of course, of the contest between the Democratic Party and President Obama, and the so-called "Republican" Party (never such betrayers of professed principles has the world seen since Judas Iscariot; you might as well call the owner of a bar-room a Temperance Man as call the GOP "republican") under that most craven and oleaginous of sycophants, Mr. Mitt Romney.

        Thus, it is the intention of this paper to adduce the reasons for the necessity of President Obama's reelection, and the triumph of the Democracy; and to further inform the People of the low and loathsome character of his rival, Mr. Romney, a man without a state, a man without a home, a man without a conscience, a man without a heart, and a man without an understanding of what life is truly like in these United States during the Great Recession.

       This paper will include both news and opinion, and welcomes letters from its readers.


Romney Steps In It, Shows Himself Unready for Highest Office      News comes to us from the Boston papers, and from the New York packet, that Mr. Romney (no true citizen of the Bay Commonwealth ought ever grace this mediocrity with the title he gave up years ago) spoke precipitously and recklessly about events in Cyrenacia, and in Egypt. The reader has no doubt heard of the grievous and wicked murder, by armed Salafist elements, of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the envoy of the United States to Libya. Ambassador Stevens, a true friend to his country, was murdered in its service; and before his very body was buried, before the next of kin of other murdered Americans were informed of their loved ones' deaths; before all of this, before all the FACTS were in front of him, Mr. Romney somehow perceived in all of this -- in his typically reptilian fashion -- a chance for political gain.
      Romney, say the papers in Boston, made false accusations against President Obama, saying he had "apologized" to the killers of our Ambassador. In fact (a troublesome category for our modern GOP), the President had done no such thing. Indeed, he had yet to address the nation on this crime in Benghazi, let alone issue some entirely fanciful apology.

     Yet none of this stopped the contemptible Mr. Romney from trying to play a national tragedy -- on the 11th anniversary of that most plangent national tragedy -- for his own partisan and personal gain.
     Many in this County, having known Mr. Romney when we had the misfortune to have him sit on Beacon Hill, were not surprised. Mr. Romney, we all know, is apt to move this way and that at even the slightest touch of air, to flap in the slightest trifling breeze; and he does so fear the rabid reactionaries and imperialists in his base, that he gestures and apes like the B-School Buffoon he is, dancing clownishly in a desperate play for Tea-Bagger applause, terrified that they -- knowing at least that he is not of them -- will abandon him at the slightest opportunity (which they will).

      Remember, all true democrats, and all true republicans: Mr. Romney is not ready to be President. He is a small man, and he is not fit for a great office.

 Paul Ryan: Government for Me but Not for Thee

     News comes to us from the papers in the country of the western waters that Rep. Paul Ryan (R- Ayn Rand's Hungry Ghost), besides being a proven liar on matters as diverse as marathons and Medicare, is in addition a consummate and thorough hypocrite.
     Congressman Ryan claims "Big Government" as his ultimate bugbear -- yet, when the time comes, and push comes to shove, Rep. Ryan is always glad to fight for federal cash for Janesville, Wisconsin. In the Stimulus Bill of 2009, Ryan fought for extra dollars to flow to Janesville, while in the enactment of Obamacare, Ryan eagerly sought more money for Medicare in his district.
      Remember: Ayn Rand fanatic Paul Ryan (just like his heroine) hates Big Government when it's for someone else, someone poor and far away; but when it's for himself and his constituents -- he loves it!
      We are reminded of the Book of Matthew:
"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation." (Matthew 23:14, KJV)


  1. Sir:

    I am cheered by the publication of this Newspaper, and I look forward to future editions. You have a keen appreciation for what is at stake in this election, and you do well to heap shame upon the shameless in the persons of Mitt Romney, Reptile-American, and Zombie King Paul Ryan (ZKPR).

    I understand full well that this is a campaign paper with partisan aims, but I urge you, for the good of the Republic, to turn a critical eye on the Democratic Party from time to time as well. While the Democrats have been the party of the working person in the past, and they may be yet again, we must admit that they are not so today.

    I believe President Obama and Vice President Biden to be good men, honestly concerned with the least among us. However, they would not -- could not! -- enjoy their current position without the patronage of the union-busting Pritzkers (in Obama's case), and the usurious MBNA Corp. (Biden), just to name a couple examples.

    Currently we are witnessing a important struggle over the future of public education in the City of Chicago between Clinton/Obama Alumnus Rahm Emanuel, who is advocating for privatization and austerity, and the Chicago Teachers' Union, who embrace a genuinely progressive and republican vision of universal PUBLIC education. This battle shares much in common with the attacks on public employees in the States of Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio, except this time it is a Democrat who is prosecuting the War on Workers.

    It is no betrayal of one's friends to demand they live up to the ideals they themselves profess. So let us bloody Romney, yes, but let us also help the Democrats debride their own (self-inflicted) wounds with the tonics of egalitarianism and healthy skepticism.

    The Reb

    1. You shall not be disappointed, Reb. This is a paper for Barnburners, Locofocos, and Free Soil men, not the Doughfaces and Quislings of the corporate wing of the party.
