Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow

Or, a Program of Government for Southeastern Massachusetts, Should Revolutionary Conditions Ever Return Here Once More

by An Old Republican

1. Immediate implementation of "Smart Growth" measures; moratorium on construction of new cul-de-sacs, developments, etc. Safeguarding of aquifers, wild-lands corridors, etc.

2. Seizure by the County Governments of the thousands of McMansions lately colonizing this land, with subsequent division into multi-family units. OR, were the late Yuppified residents of said McMansions to wish to pay a fee of twice the house's appraised value, for them to be allowed to stay in said McMansions, but to have to publicly abase themselves before the People in General Crowds Assembled.

3. The use of those fees, confiscated from the McMansion Aristocracy, to revitalize the hundreds of old mills lying in disuse (or worse, being turned into Yuppie Apartments) across southeastern Mass. These then could be tasked with the production of those manufactured goods we presently import into our country from abroad. 

4. A reintroduction of the arts of agriculture into these Counties, with a special focus on its introduction into the Common Schools.

5. The proscription and outlawing of Private Schools.

6. The proscription and outlawing of private Yacht Clubs and Country Clubs -- dens of class and race privilege.

7. The division of each incorporated Town into wards of c.100 people, each ward to be governed along principles of direct democracy. Maintenance of the traditional Town Meetings alongside this Ward Democracy (Jefferson's phrase). County legislatures to be elected by the Town Meetings.

8. The granting of some measure of justice to the Indians, with preferential choices on housing, milling rights, and agricultural locales. Public acknowledgment of the realities of Conquest in the 17th century. 

9. A tax on SUVs of 100% of their assessed value per annum.

10. An immediate movement towards renewable energy; investigation of possibilities of tidal power in our estuaries, of hydro-electric power on a micro scale on our many streams and rivers, wind power both on and off shore; solar power where appropriate. The closing and mothballing of that Atomic Bomb down the Coast , aka the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant.

11. Suggestions welcome!

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