Sunday, October 14, 2012

Letter to Andrew Sullivan No. 4

Subject: Andy Pandy Have-a-fuckin-Shandy

Jesus Christ, you are an awful comrade; "I'm not sure if he has it in him [Obama]." He does. Your panic discredits you and demoralizes the troops. You ought to go do some canvassing if you're that scared.

  You move with the wind, lad; with the slightest passing airs.


p.s. Enjoyed your poor-little-rich-girl whine about how slow the Internet is in ... MANHATTAN. Our self-parodic Pobresito....

1 comment:

  1. To dwell on superficialities for a moment: the formatting of this entry is driving me crazy. For the benefit of your readership, please consider correcting it.
    Yours as ever,
    The Reb
